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          Sandy Beach Doll

          From our family to yours! Sandy was conceived by our mother, Kathy, when we were children and has now been redesigned for 21st-century play. Once Kathy’s daughter, Kacey, became a mother, she gained an appreciation for what 20 minutes of peace looked like while her child was playing. Whether it’s at the beach, in the pool, in the bath, at the playground, or on a play mat, the versatility and the durability of the doll encouraged the family to move forward in creating Sandy Beach Doll! We designed Sandy Beach Doll in stylish muted bathing suits, matching flower sunglasses for the doll and the child, shovel, stickers, and waterproof beach tote for easy packing for all adventures. Today, the fun and creativity continues with new suit colors and sunnies. Sandy is designed in Connecticut and made of durable, BPA-free materials to keep your little ones safe and healthy, while making playtime a little sweeter and more engaging for young children everywhere.

          Sandy Beach Doll
            1. Play(2)
            Sandy Beach Doll, Soft PinkSandy Beach Doll, Soft Pink

            Sandy Beach Doll, Soft Pink

            Sandy Beach Doll

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