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        1. Le Scoop
        2. Kid Activities
        3. Things To Do With Kids

        Things To Do With Kids

        Kids learn through play, and here you’ll discover all the reasons why. Things to do with kids on rainy or snowy days, and even ways to engage in sensory play.

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        17 Simple Sensory Play Ideas for Toddlers and Babies

        Sensory Play

        17 Simple Sensory Play Ideas for Toddlers and Babies

        Love to bake cookies with your toddler, or let the baby bang on pots and pans while you cook dinner? That’s sensory play! And while it can get messy (think sensory bins full of rice or sand), there are so many creative ideas that don’t involve tons of clean-up. From foam baths to light play, here are 15 super simple sensory activities you can try with your little one at home.

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