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          Lanard Toys Toys

          Every year LANARD continues to innovate new products bringing fun and enjoyment to kids of all kinds... even the big kids! Alongside the evolution of our products, it has introduced new versions of its own CORPS!® range of action figures and story line, brought uniqueness to its Outdoor art-based Chalkie™ line of products, as well as further expanded our customer base to a wider global market. LANARD has transformed the way it designs and innovates through organized workflow and a creative strategy which further reduces our development time.

          Lanard Toys Toys
            1. Play(26)
              1. Kids(7)
              2. Learning(1)
              3. Outdoor(17)
            Tuff Tools: Power Washer Pretend Play Toy w/ Water Spray Action & Hose ConnectingTuff Tools: Power Washer Pretend Play Toy w/ Water Spray Action & Hose Connecting

            Tuff Tools: Power Washer Pretend Play Toy w/ Water Spray Action & Hose Connecting

            Lanard Toys
