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        Executive Director, Art Production Fund

        Casey Fremont

        Casey Fremont is the mother of three boys having just welcomed Ozzy, the newest member of the family, and is Executive Director of Art Production Fund, a non-profit organization dedicated to commissioning and producing ambitious public art projects, reaching new audiences and expanding awareness through contemporary art. Here she lists a few functional things she needs, but mostly things she wants. Follow along @caseyfremont

        "I always joke that there is no greater person to have around to help clean out your closet than a nesting pregnant woman. I could spend days sorting, folding, organizing and mainly purging. Of course I’m the type that loves doing these things always, but never more than when I am pregnant. I love to discuss the latest products, color ways - all of it, all of the time!"

        "I’m someone who is very into a nightly bath to calm and clean my baby. A hooded towel is a must, and these Pehr towels are so soft and have the cutest tassel on top."