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        Founder, SWEET SABA

        Maayan Zilberman

        Maayan Zilberman was born on a Kibbutz in Israel and grew up in Vancouver. Following several creative pursuits—including launching the cult-favorite lingerie brand The Lake & Stars—she now is an artist and owns luxury candy company Sweet Saba. Having just become mother to a new baby girl, here are the things she thinks are super special. Follow along @maayanzilberman

        "All the products I chose from the Maisonette registry are pieces I see my daughter enjoying in our creative household. I didn't go about designing her nursery or play areas with a traditional baby aesthetic, I wanted bright colors, textures, and vibrant imagery to stimulate and inspire her from a young age. I imagined the spaces that most affected me as a child (museums, eccentric friends’ houses, 80s movies) and I started from there."

        "I was so happy to see Maisonette offers artistic items that aren’t only in pastels, that have a sense of humor and intelligence, they clearly trust babies to have style."