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        Neon Rebels Gif

        Behind the Brand

        Band of Rebels

        To celebrate the launch of Neon Rebels, we caught up with four real life rebels who embody the values of joy, positivity and freedom and asked what being a rebel means to them. Here, the bright young minds behind @evantheartist, @peyticakes, @kidscansaveanimals, and @evankozin take our Rebel Questionnaire.

        Evan the Artist, Age 11, Artist

        To me, a rebel is...unstoppable and passionate about what they believe in.
        My superpower is...creating ART!
        I like to express myself by...creating art for the world to see. I also express myself in my colorful clothing choices and my new artsy hair style!
        Something that always makes me laugh is...random things that don’t make much sense like silly YouTube videos and things my siblings say!
        When I grow up, I will be...a successful artist who also plays baseball. Oh and an internet sensation!
        The quality I admire most in a friend is...HAPPINESS. Someone who brings the sunshine even on a rainy day.
        A quality my friends admire in me is my...kindness, my craziness, my joy, my sense of humor and my creativity!
        If I could change anything about the world...I would end hate and negativity and fill it with LOVE, HAPPINESS, COURAGE & POSITIVITY!
        Evan the ArtistEvan the Artist

        Peyton Brown, Age 9, Mini Makeup Mogul and CEO @peystix

        To me, a rebel is…A person who is bold and confident and feels good about themselves.
        My superpower is…I can sing and I am very creative.
        I like to express myself by…creating super fun looks with makeup and my Peystix, and wearing creative clothes.
        Something that always makes me laugh is…listening to my bestie talk. She’s really funny.
        When I grow up, I will be…A singer and a billionaire. I also will own lots of stores.
        The quality I admire most in a friend…I admire someone who is always there for me.
        A quality my friends admire in me....I am always honest with my friends, even when it’s hard to tell them.
        The biggest risk I’ve ever taken was…When I first started my makeup brand so many things went wrong I had to start all over from scratch. It was not easy.
        If I could change anything about the world it would be... I would change the right for kids to vote. I think we should be allowed to vote for who we want to be President of the United States. I would also change for people not to judge by the color of their skin.
        Peyton BrownPeyton Brown

        Kate Gilman Williams, Age 11, CEO and Founder of Kids Can Save Animals

        To me, a rebel is…someone who is brave enough to advocate for the changes they want to see in the world.
        My superpower is…public speaking!
        I like to express myself by...writing.
        Something that always makes me laugh is…hanging out with my friends.
        When I grow up, I will actor, animal advocate and safari game driver!
        The quality I admire most in a friend...loyalty and kindness.
        A quality my friends admire in me...loyalty and kindness.
        The biggest risk I’ve ever taken was…going on anti-poaching patrols in Africa.
        If I could change anything about the world it would be…I would end poaching.
        Kate Gilman WilliamsKate Gilman Williams

        Evan Kozin, Age 10, Producer + Artist + DJ

        To me, a rebel is…someone that is confident in their own point of view and also strongly feels the need to change the status quo.
        My superpower is…music. I love listening to and making all kinds of music and I hope people can hear that passion in my music.
        I like to express myself by...making music that people can feel and also jumping my bike and scooter :)
        Something that always makes me laugh is…memes on TikTok. I literally follow pretty much only meme pages because they're so funny.
        When I grow up, I will be...a platinum producer, DJ and artist. Hopefully scoring movies, too! And helping as many people as I can along the way.
        The quality I admire most in a friend…is loyalty. I met my best friend, Roger, in kindergarten and we're still going strong.
        Evan KozinEvan Kozin