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        Maisonette Muse: Elizabeth Banks

        Actress, director, and producer Elizabeth Banks is our latest Muse. This mother of two boys talks style, home-made costumes, and what treats she’s doling out this Halloween.

        Annabel Mehran
        Jessica de Ruiter
        Written By
        Phoebe de Croisset
        Describe an average morning in your household.

        I believe in preparation. So we do a lot the night before: lay out clothes, pack the snacks and lunches, organize the homework folder. We still have the dreaded two-school double-drop-off. But what’s nice is my oldest is out the door at 7:30, and my pre-schooler doesn’t need to leave for another hour. That hour with my little guy is my favorite part of the day. We play, cuddle, read, and talk about our dreams. 

        How would you describe your style?

        My style is very feminine. I wear lots of dresses and skirts. I throw a denim or leather jacket over my shoulders. I like patterns. I don’t do lots of menswear. I don’t do lots of black. My blazer collection is lacking. This is California. It’s hot. It’s nice to keep it airy! My boys are being more and more influenced - to my chagrin - by athletic wear. It’s a lot of mesh shorts - also airy! 

        Has your style changed since becoming a mother? 

        I don’t think motherhood has changed my style as much as being in my 40s and running a business does. I used to spend more time putting together outfits and playing around with accessories but now it’s more of a uniform: a dress and flats or wedges, the same necklace every day. 

        Left to their own devices, what outfits might your boys put together?

        Mesh shorts, their sports jerseys, ninja headbands and Native shoes. 

        What’s one thing you wish you had known before becoming a mother?

        That nobody remembers how to take care of babies once they don’t have a baby. I thought I could rely on friends, or my sister, or my mother for advice, but they all said “I forget.” And now that my kids are older, I also have no idea how many ounces of milk a baby should drink or when to start solid foods or how to take their temperature. At every stage you need new skills so that becomes your focus. 

        How has motherhood changed you?

        Profoundly. I am more focused than ever but less selfish than ever. I want to make them proud. I want to make them interested in the world around them. I love seeing the world through their eyes. 

        Greatest lesson motherhood has taught you?

        To be humble. Children have so much to teach us when we are listening. 

        Best parenting advice you ever received? 

        Sleep training. My boys love their beds, put themselves to sleep, sleep well most nights. This is a gift. To me and to them. I wish I slept as well as they do!

        Best/worst part about having boys?

        No worst part - I can’t imagine it any other way! 

        As we approach Halloween, can you sum up in a few words what the energy is in your home?

        Giddy. The costumes have been tried on. The decorations have been hung. The pumpkins have been decorated. 

        Growing up, what was your favorite Halloween costume?

        My favorite costume growing up was the Tooth Fairy costume my mother hand-made for me. It had wings and a crown made of “teeth.” I grew up in Massachusetts, so on October 31st, it’s usually freezing. We only had costumes we could wear over our winter coats. And nobody wore store-bought back then. Always homemade. 

        What are your Halloween traditions today?

        Usually a pumpkin carving party the weekend before. On the night of, we gather with friends for some cocktails and then hit the streets to trick-or-treat. 

        What are the boys dressing up as this year?

        Lego Ninjago characters. I was in the Lego Movie, and they love all things Lego. 

        Your favorite costumes they ever wore?

        I loved dressing them as baby chickens when they were toddlers. 

        What favors are you giving out this Halloween?

        Kit-Kat bars. Because if there are any left over, I can freeze them and dole them out to myself.