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        Behind the Brand


        Model, actress, and women's health advocate Liya Kebede is the Creative Director behind lemlem, a ​​line of ​easy ​cotton cover-ups and caftans hand-woven ​by local artisans ​in her native Ethiopia. In celebration ​of ​her exclusive launch on Maisonette, we chat with Liya about the collection and motherhood.

        Written By
        Alexandra Willkie Pasanen
        What led you to launch lemlem in 2007?

        ​L​emlem was founded as solution to a problem: the weaver community in my hometown of Addis Ababa (the capital of Ethiopia) was struggling to find work and I wanted to make sure they had a market for their beautiful craftsmanship.

        We actually started as a children’s line, so for us, creating this collection is really going back to the beginnings of our brand.

        Sales from your line benefit the lemlem foundation. Tell us a little about your organization's mission.

        What originally started as a way to give these weavers a market has evolved into so much more. We want to influence the way the fashion industry perceives Africa. It is often seen as a destination for low cost manufacturing but we want it to be a source for highly skilled artisans and ateliers that can create for the luxury market.

        You have two children. How do they inspire your work?

        ​When I started lemlem, my children were ​still young, and​ I always loved picking clothes out for them. ​Adding in the bonus of choosing beautiful, hand-woven garments made by artisans​ from ​my country made the pieces even more special.

        What are some Mother's Day traditions you follow?

        My kids usually make me breakfast in bed or cook me dinner. It’s something I ​look forward to ​every year.

        What has motherhood taught you, and what do you love most?

        Motherhood is a constant learning curve. There’s always something new. It’s been the toughest, but also the best​​ role in my life. My kids and I have so much fun together. They make me laugh. I love seeing the people they are becoming.

        ​One thing you learned from your own parents?

        ​My parents always emphasized the importance of helping others. It's something I ​​try to instill in my ​own.​