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        What You Need To Know About Shipping This Year

        Covid has made the logistics around shipping more complicated this year, and our supply chains are a bit more taxed. Which means, in short, you can—and should!—shop now.

        Here’s the good news though: Holiday is here at Maisonette. We’ve got what you need, from stocking stuffers to special splurges. We want to make it as easy as possible to get all your gifts sorted right now. Yes, right now! Which, shipping delays aside, brings some pretty great peace of mind.


        holiday home

        Holiday Home

        Here are a few more things to consider when shopping:

        • Maisonette is a marketplace of 1000+ brands both large and small. When you place an order, every brand ships their product directly to you. If you place an order with multiple brands, you will receive shipping estimates based on each brand’s unique timeline. We recommend you check the estimated arrival dates of all your shipments in the checkout process or on the orders page in your account. Some brands are smaller than others and may have limited resources.
        • If you’re ordering during Cyber Week or Black Friday, upgrade your shipping to ensure everything arrives on time.
        • Shop for holiday now through the end of November (and if you’re ordering in December, upgraded shipping is recommended).
        • If there’s something extra-special on your list like a monogrammed or custom order, place that order now, before the end of October.
        • Sign up for our emails, and you’ll be kept up to date on any restocks or important launches so you don’t miss them (we expect popular items to sell out quickly this year).
        • Take a deep breath and start perusing our holiday edits. It’s absolutely not too early :).

        What You Need To Know About Shipping This Year