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        Maisonette Muse

        Louise Roe

        One could argue that British TV host and blogger Louise Roe has spent her career getting dressed. From appearing on a slew of fashion-focused reality shows and covering the royal wedding for E! Entertainment to hosting countless red carpets, Louise has amassed a loyal social media following sharing her fashion and lifestyles tips. Here we chat about style, motherhood and traveling with a little one.

        Interview By
        Phoebe de Croisset
        What inspired you to launch your blog, Front Roe?

        My background is in fashion journalism; before moving to L.A. from London 10 years ago, I worked as a journalist at various magazines including Elle UK and In Style UK. In L.A. as my focus switched to TV, and I began to build a really engaged social media following, mostly made up of women who love fashion. Every day I received questions about fashion, beauty, and building confidence, and I thought, "Why not create a hub where I can style looks and write again?" A place where those followers can have their questions answered. The same year I also launched my book, Front Roe, to go hand-in-hand with the blog.

        Your style has been a big part of your life both on and off screen. How has your daughter, Honor, changed the way you dress, if at all?

        To be honest, becoming a mum hasn’t enormously changed how I dress. I’ve always loved flats, and I still wear them with jeans and a tee most days. I definitely get dressed up if I’m hosting the red carpet for a big event, but I like how L.A. lends itself to a very casual wardrobe. That doesn’t mean I want to look sloppy, but I love wearing classic, easy, well-fitting pieces.

        "Nothing is sweeter than a floral print on a little girl. The details on this dress are just heavenly."


          Honor looks to me like a proper little English baby. No L.A. vibes for her wardrobe?

          It’s funny, a reader asked me the other day why I dress her so traditionally, when I suppose my own look is a little more paired down and modern. I just adore traditional children’s clothing: scallops, bonnets, floral prints, tights – I always have.

          You’re heading to Napa for spring break. What are the things you're most looking forward to on this trip?

          I’m most looking forward to turning off my email, slowing down and really cherishing the family time. Seeing a new place through your child’s eyes is such a magical experience – I can’t wait to experience all her “firsts.”

          “These are divine! The color, the shape, the fabric…my husband said they remind him of old fashioned bathing suits from the 1920’s, he loves the pic of Honor in these so much he made it his screensaver!”

          Can you share your hacks for traveling with a little one?

          • Don’t pack up the entire house. Call the hotel ahead of time and ask what they can provide.

          • Get a car seat that clicks into your stroller – anything to spare you the grimy rental car seat!

          • Leave things like the baby bath and towels at home. Travel is about improvising. Baths in the hotel sink? Honor is thrilled. Enjoy the things that are out of the ordinary.

          • Always pack extra diapers, wipes, a change of clothes and food! You never want to be stuck with a dirty or hungry baby during a layover.

          Any nightmare travel experiences? If so, what did they teach you?

          In her first year, Honor has twice flown the 11 hours to London from L.A., and both times, on the return journey, she decided not to sleep. It was not a nightmare at all, but I will say it was exhausting. My husband and I spent those 11 hours trying our best to entertain her, with varying degrees of success. By the time we got home, she was delirious and so were we. I used to get so anxious over a missed nap or something not going according to plan – and don’t get me wrong, I still worry – but I’ve learned that you do your best, and that’s good enough. You can’t control everything. Were the return flights exhausting? Absolutely. But the trips were totally worth it.

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