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          Alivia Women's

          While spending time volunteering, Jovana and Brandon experienced a vibrant world of people with differing abilities creating bold, expressive art inspired by their dreams and colorful imaginations. Together, they’ve set out to create a brand that would inspire with every stitch, giving conscious consumers the chance to deeply connect with their clothes. Standing at the intersection of fashion and people, Alivia connects the beauty of the silhouette with the beauty of a mind that thinks unlike any other. Alivia aims to give purpose and voice to the previously unheard, showcasing the many talents and abilities of people with disabilities — and pushing the fashion industry further towards inclusivity.

          Alivia Women's
            1. Womens(8)
              1. Clothing(8)
            Women's Sofia Floral Print Pajamas Long Set, Jade PondWomen's Sofia Floral Print Pajamas Long Set, Jade Pond

            Women's Sofia Floral Print Pajamas Long Set, Jade Pond

